ACASIAS article publication on The Project Repository Journal - PRj Vol.9.
We are pleased to announce the 9th edition of The Project Repository Journal (PRj) is now live containing ACASIAS article, which can be accessed on this link.
The 9th edition of PRj is a testament to the researchers who are continuing to drive science innovation and communication amidst the global pandemic and the additional challenges that brings. Science communication has remained at the forefront of addressing issues such as climate change, health and future technologies.
The contribution made by researchers working in the multidisciplinary Horizon 2020 project “ACASIAS” develops four innovative aircraft structures with multifunctional capabilities, aiming to reduce fuel consumption of future aircraft by improving aerodynamic performance and by facilitating the integration of new and efficient propulsion systems. ACASIAS will help reduce CO2 and NOx emissions of the aircraft and thereby make aviation more sustainable. ACASIAS has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 723167.